Wyniki wyszukiwania | Souborný katalog NPÚ (všechny knihovny) http://iispp.npu.cz/carmen/search/by-authority/171820/rss?page=4&pageSize=10&s=-9&sd=DESC Wyszukiwanie wg kartoteki: Korporacja = Victoria and Albert Museum Victoria and Albert Museum : Brief Guide Victoria and Albert Museum General Guide to the Collections: (With Plans & 36 Illustrations): Victoria & Albert Museum = Victoria & Albert Museum Guides: General Guide to the Collections Victoria and Albert Museum: Sectional List No. 55 Victorian Paintings Victoria and Albert Museum Catalogue of Foreign Paintings: II. 1800-1900 Kauffmann, Claus Michael Catalogue of Foreign Paintings: I. Before 1800 Kauffmann, Claus Michael English sculpture 1720-1830 Whinney, Margaret