Výsledky vyhledávání | Souborný katalog NPÚ (všechny knihovny) http://iispp.npu.cz/carmen/search/by-authority/90872/rss?page=1&s=-9697&sd=DESC Vyhledávání podle autority: Místa vydání = Prague Annual report ... Ústav dějin umění (Akademie věd ČR) Dresden-Prag um 1600 Bukovinská, Beket, 1943- Plan of the Palace of H.B.M. Legation in Prague-III. 180. : North-Ost Elevation and Section E-F : Section Longitudinal Macoun, Josef, 1886- Plan of the Palace of H.B.M. Legation in Prague-III. 180 : Plán situační a výškopisný přesného zaměření pozemk. parcel č. k. 86/2, 87, 88 a stav. parcel č. k. 227, 228/1 a 230/2 v Praze III. = Plan Showing the Situation of the Palace Belonging to H.B.M's Legation in Prague III. Macoun, Josef, 1886- Plan of the Palace of H.B.M. Legation in Prague-III. 180. : South - East Elevation and Section G-H Macoun, Josef, 1886- Plan of the Palace of H.B.M. Legation in Prague-III. 180. : North-West Elevation and Section I-K Macoun, Josef, 1886- Plan of the Palace of H.B.M. Legation in Prague-III. 180. : South-West Elevation and Section A-B Macoun, Josef, 1886- 25 years of archaeological research in Bohemia : on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Institute of archaeology, Prague Fridrich, Jan, 1938-2007 The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice : papers from the ... international symposium on ... held at Vila Lanna, Prague .. Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice (sympozium) Safeguarded Cultural Heritage : Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged Europe : Organised with the support of the European Commission, Office of the President of the Czech Republic : Proceedings of the 7th European Conference "Sauveur", 31st May - 3rd June 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. Vol. 2, Posters "Sauveur" (7: 2006: Prague) Safeguarded Cultural Heritage : Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged Europe : Organised with the support of the European Commission, Office of the President of the Czech Republic : Proceedings of the 7th European Conference "Sauveur", 31st May - 3rd June 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. Vol. 1, Papers "Sauveur" (7: 2006: Prague) Lapidarium of the National Museum Prague : Guide to the permanent exhibition of Czech sculpture in stone of the 11th to 19th centuries in the pavilion of the Lapidarium in the Exhibition Grounds in Prague Sršeň, Lubomír, 1949- European Research on Cultural Heritage : State-of-the-Art Studies : Proceedings of the ARCCHP Workshops supported from the EC 5th FP Project No. ICA1-CT-2000-70013. Volume 2 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ITAM) Studies in Postmedieval Archaeology. elektronický zdroj [Vol.] 1 Archaia Praha Art-Nouveau Prague : forms of the style Wittlich, Petr, 1932- European : from the collections of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Troja Castle 1992-1993 Kybalová, Jana, 1928-2018 Cimburk und die Höhensiedlungen des frühen und älteren Äneolithikums in Böhmen= Cimburk a výšinná sídliště raného a staršího eneolitu v Čechách Zápotocký, Milan, 1933- Ruralia III : conference Ruralia III, Maynooth, 3rd-9th September 1999 Jean-Marie Pesez Conferences on Medieval Rural Archaeology (3. 1999: Maynooth, Irsko) Archaeology in Bohemia 1981-1985 Charvát, Petr, 1949- Prague. Beyond the borders of the Prague heritage reservation