Wyniki wyszukiwania | Souborný katalog NPÚ (všechny knihovny) http://iispp.npu.cz/carmen/search/by-authority/91068/rss?lang=PL&page=1&pageSize=100&s=-96&sd=DESC&ticketId=-7 Wyszukiwanie wg kartoteki: Miejsca wydania = Edinburgh Non-Destructive Investigation of Standing Structures Historic Scotland Preparation and Use of Lime Mortars : Revised edition 2003 by The Scottish Lime Centre Historic Scotland Quarries of Scotland : An illustrated guide to Scottish geology and stone working methods based on the British Geological Survey Photographic Archive of selected building stone quarries McMillan, Andrew A. Rural Buildings of the Lothians : Conservation and Conversion Historic Scotland Scottish Turf Construction Walker, Bruce, 1936- Scottish Slate Quarries Walsh, Joan A. Scottish Roofing Slate : Characteristics and Tests Walsh, Joan A. Scottish Iron Structures Swailes, Tom The historical and technical development of the sash and case window in Scotland Roche, Nessa The Historic Scotland Guide to International Conservation Charters Bell, D. Impact of the Braer Oil Spill on Historic Scotland Monuments in Shetland Nicholson, Keith The Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Historic Buildings Historic Scotland Investigations into the Control of Biofilm Damage with Relevance to Built Heritage (BIODAM) Krumbein, W. E. Laser Stonecleaning in Scotland Historic Scotland Measured Survey and Building Recording : For Historic Buildings and Structures Historic Scotland Mortars in Historic Buildings : A Rewiew of the Conservation, Technical and Scientific Literature Hughes, John J. Access to the Built Heritage : Advice on the provision of access for people with disabilities to historic sites open to the public Young, Victoria The Archaeology of Scottish Thatch Holden, Thimothy G. Biological Growths on Sandstone Buildings : Control and Treatment Urquhart, Dennis Chemical consolidants and water repellents for sandstones in Scotland Young, Maureen Care and Conservation of 17th century Plasterwork in Scotland Gibbons, Pat Conservation of Plasterwork Lee, Una Conservation of Historic Graveyards Maxwell, Ingval Corrugated Iron and other Ferrous Cladding Walker, Bruce, 1936- Development and Archaeology in Historic Towns and Sities Coleman, Russel Earth Structures and Construction in Scotland Walker, Bruce, 1936- Environmental Control of Dry Rot Palfreyman, John Evaluation of limestone and building limes in Scotland Holmes, Stafford Fire Safety Management in Heritage Buildings Kidd, Stewart Fire Protection Measures in Scottish Historic Buildings : Advice on Measures Required to Minimise the Likelihood of Fire Starting and to Alleviate the Descrutive Consequences of Fire in Historic Buildinges Historic Scotland Frontiers of the Roman Empire= Grenzen des Römischen Reiches = Frontieres de l'Empire Romain Breeze, David J. The Hebridean Blackhouse : A Guide to Materials, Construction and Maintenance Walker, Bruce, 1936- Stone Cleaning : A Guide for Practitioners Andrew, Christopher Stonecleaning of Granite Buildings : Advice on the soiling, decay and cleaning of granite buildings and related testing, specifikation and exekution of the work Urquhart, Dennis The Treatment of Graffiti on Historic Surfaces : Advice on graffiti removal procedures, anti-graffiti coatings and alternative strategies Urquhart, Dennis Thatches and Thatching Techniques : A Guide to Conserving Scottish Thatching Traditions Walker, Bruce, 1936- Rebuilding cities Johnson-Marshall, Percy, 1915-1993 Maintenance and repair techniques for traditional cast iron : short guide Davey, Ali Micro-renewables in the historic environment : short guide Hummelt, Katie alt'ing : The Scottish Journal of Architectural Research Edinburgh Castle Fawcett, Richard, 1946- Ancient Monuments Board for Scotland : Forty-first Annual Report 1994: Presented to Parliament in pursuance of Section 23 of the Ancient Monuments and Archeological Areas Act 1979 Medieval or later rural settlement in Scotland : Management and Preservation Hingley, Richard, 1951- Forestry and Archaeology in Scotland Barclay, Gordon J. Memorandum of Guidance on Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas 1993 Scotland´s Listed Buildings : A Guide to their Protection Walker, David Echoes in Stone : 100 Years of Ancient Monuments in Scotland Magnússon, Magnús, 1929-2007 Notes on the Early Church of Tongue Mackay, William J. Scottish Castles - an Introduction to the Castles of Scotland Simpson, Douglas Clackmannan and the Ochils : [An Illustrated Architectural Guide] Swan, Adam Scottish Medieval Churches : an introduction to the ecclesiastical architecture of the 12th to 16th centuries in the care of the secretary of state for Scotland Fawcett, Richard, 1946- Edinburgh : an illustrated architectural guide McKean, Charles. True to life : British realist painting in the 1920s & 1930s Elliott, Patrick, 1962- Frontiers of the Roman Empire : The European dimension of a World Heritage Site Historic Scotland The consequences of past stonecleaning intervention on future policy and resources Young, Maureen Conservation of timber sash and case Windows : maintaining, repairing and improving the performance of traditional windows Newsom, Stephen Maintenance and Repair of Cleaned Stone Buildings Young, Maureen E. Scottish Aggregates for Building Conservation Leslie, Alick The Performance of Replacement Sandstone in the New Town of Edinburgh : Evidence from Grant-Aid Repair Schemes of the Edinburgh New Town Conservation Committee Hyslop, Ewan Preparation and use of lime mortars : an introduction to the principles of using lime mortars Note 1 Historic Scotland technical advice notes Edge of Empire : The Antonine Wall : Rome's Scottish Frontier Breeze, David J. The Antonine Wall : 1:25 000 map Jones, Rebecca Scotland's lost gardens : from the garden of Eden to the Stewart palaces Brown, Marylin Exploring Scotland's heritage : Dumfries and Galloway Stell, Geoffrey, 1944-