Výsledky vyhledávání | Souborný katalog NPÚ (všechny knihovny) http://iispp.npu.cz/carmen/search/by-authority/92786/rss?page=1&pageSize=20&s=-9474&sd=DESC Vyhledávání podle autority: Místa vydání = Oxford Von Kunst und Kennerschaft Friedländer, Max J., 1867-1958 The Victorian garden Ikin, Caroline. The Vauban fortifications of France Griffith, Paddy There by design Pattison, Paul. Theology in stone : Church architecture from Byzantium to Berkeley Kieckhefer, Richard, 1946- Scientific methods and cultural heritage : an introduction to the application of materials science to archaeometry and conservation science Artioli, Gilberto, 1957- Strongholds of the Border reivers : fortifications of the Anglo-Scottish Border, 1296-1603 Durham, Keith. Seen/unseen : art, science, and intuition from Leonardo to the Hubble Telescope Kemp, Martin, 1942- Sacred power, sacred space : an introduction to Christian architecture and worship Kilde, Jeanne Halgren, 1957- Rome's Saxon shore : coastal defences of Roman Britain, AD 250-500 Fields, Nic. Renaissance Studies The Society for Renaissance Studies Reconnecting the city : the historic urban landscape approach and the future of urban heritage Bandarin, Francesco The Pigment Compendium : Optical Microscopy of Historical Pigments Eastaugh, Nicholas Pagan : art & architecture of old Burma Strachan, Paul The Oxford handbook of food history Pilcher, Jeffrey M., 1965- The Oxford handbook of creative industries Jones, Candace The Oxford dictionary of Saints Farmer, David Hugh The Oxford dictionary of christian art & architecture Murray, Peter, 1920-1992 The Oxford dictionary of art and artists Chilvers, Ian The Oxford dictionary of architecture Curl, James Stevens, 1937-