Wyniki wyszukiwania | Souborný katalog NPÚ (všechny knihovny) http://iispp.npu.cz/carmen/search/index-item/rss?id=3784&lang=PL&page=1&s=-9474&sd=ASC&value=Chapuis%2C+Michel Wyszukiwanie wg pozycji indeksu:: Chapuis, Michel Safeguarded Cultural Heritage : Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged Europe : Organised with the support of the European Commission, Office of the President of the Czech Republic : Proceedings of the 7th European Conference "Sauveur", 31st May - 3rd June 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. Vol. 2, Posters "Sauveur" (7: 2006: Prague) Safeguarded Cultural Heritage : Understanding & Viability for the Enlarged Europe : Organised with the support of the European Commission, Office of the President of the Czech Republic : Proceedings of the 7th European Conference "Sauveur", 31st May - 3rd June 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. Vol. 1, Papers "Sauveur" (7: 2006: Prague)