Wyniki wyszukiwania | Souborný katalog NPÚ (všechny knihovny) http://iispp.npu.cz/carmen/search/index-item/rss?id=56084345&page=1&s=-9697&sd=DESC&value=Abby+Church+of+Westminster+%28Lond%C3%BDn%2C+Anglie%29+%5Bo%5D Wyszukiwanie wg pozycji indeksu:: Abby Church of Westminster (Londýn, Anglie) [o] Ci gît l´histoire de la Grande-Bretagne Broglie, Axelle de The Chapter House and the Pyx Chamber : Westminster Abbey Rigold, Stuart Eborall, 1919-1980 Unknown Westminster Abbey Tanner, Lawrence E. ´The Entertainment of His Most Excellen Majestie Charles II´ : the representation and visualisation of royalty in a festival book by John Ogilby and Wenceslaus Hollar Murár, Tomáš, 1990- Westminster Abbey : a souvenir guide Wilkinson, James