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L'opera di Leonardo al converto delle Grazie in Milano / Agnoldomenico Pica
Pica, Agnoldomenico, 1907-1990
range: 58 s., xxxii s. čb. obr. příl.

Words_person: Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519
Organization: Convento delle Grazie (Milán, Itálie)
Organization: Chiesa delle Grazie (Milán, Itálie)
Subject: artists
Subject: painters
Subject: painting
Subject: Italian painting
Subject: monasteries
Subject: churches
Subject: architecture
Subject: sacred architecture
Geographical theme: Italy
Geographical theme: Milan (Italy)
Chronological theme: 15. století
Chronological theme: 16. století
Theme/Genre: studies
Annotation source:

Presence only

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Total Unavailable Absence Presence
ÚOP v Plzni 1 0 0 1
Location Location mark Store mark Borrow category Inc. number
Knihovna Plzeň 1900 - 122 Bd43 Prezenčně 1900
Location Total Unavailable Absence Presence
Knihovna Plzeň 1 0 0 1


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