Work detail
Slohy stavitelské od nejstarších dob až na dobu nynější : s 67 dřevoryty / sepsali Josef Niklas a Frant. Šanda |
Niklas, Josef, 1817-1877 |
Originator: Šanda, František, 1831-1893 |
range: s. 401-514 : il. ; 24 cm |
Subject: history of architecture Subject: architectural styles Subject: ancient architecture Subject: classical architecture Subject: early christian architecture Subject: Romanesque architecture Subject: gothic architecture Subject: renaissance architecture Subject: Islamic architecture |
Annotation: Annotation source: |
Items overview
Total | Unavailable | Absence | Presence | ||
ÚOP v Plzni | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
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