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Irish Architectural Drawings : An exhibition to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Irish Architectural Records Association.
Irish Architectural Drawings. An exhibition to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Irish Architectural Records Association./
Irish Architectural Records Association (DUBLIN)
Dalszy autor: Craig, Maurice James, 1919-2011.
Dalszy autor: Knight of Glin, 1937-2011.
range: 44 s. ; 27 cm

Subject: architektonická kresba
Temat geograficzny: Irsko
Temat chronologiczny: 19. století
Forma: katalogy výstav
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Generální ředitelství 1 0 0 1
Lokacja Sygnatura Sygnatura magazynowa Kategoria wypożyczeń Nr systemowy
Sklad C1273 Absenčně 590/78
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Sklad 1 0 0 1


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