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La Congregazione Italiana di Praga : Luoghi e memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura / Angela Trezza Cabrales
Originator: Cabrales, Angela Trezza
range: 115 s. : 14 barev. obr., 61 černobíl. obr.

Organization: Kostel sv. Karla Boromejského, Praha
Subject: Kongregace
Geographical theme: Prague (Czechia)
Geographical theme: Prague (Czechia)
Theme/Genre: monographs
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Presence only

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Total Unavailable Absence Presence
Generální ředitelství 1 0 0 1
Location Location mark Store mark [Borrow_category] Inc. number
Ochoz F241 Prezenčně 19425/04
Location Total Unavailable Absence Presence
Ochoz 1 0 0 1


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