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Prague : promenades du peintre / Aleš Jiránek ; [texte tchèque de Jana Volfová ; adaptation frąncaise par Julien Chatillon-Fauchez, Marion Jiranek, Ellen Vareno]
Jiránek, Aleš, 1947-
Originator: Volfová, Jana
range: [130] s. : il ; 22 x 31 cm
ISBN: 80-200-1258-3

Words_person: Jiránek, Aleš, 1947-
Subject: art
Subject: painting
Subject: painters
Subject: modern painting
Geographical theme: Prague (Czechia)
Chronological theme: 20. století
Chronological theme: 21. století
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Knihovna M-J 8686 Absenčně 8682
Location Total Unavailable Absence Presence
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