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Album starých pohlednic - Krušné hory (západní část) : Chomutovsko, Karlovarsko, Sokolovsko, Kraslicko = Album alter Ansichtskarten vom Erzgebirge (westlicher Teil) : das Gebiet von Komotau, Karlsbad, Falkenau, Graslitz / Pavel Koukal, Pavel D. Vinklát
Koukal, Pavel, 1944-
Originator: Vinklát, Pavel D., 1959-
range: 153, [4] s. : il. (některé barev.), faksim. ; 22 x 23 cm
Series: Album starých pohlednic
ISBN: 978-80-254-4696-6

Subject: historical postcards - Česko
Subject: historical postcards - Německo
Subject: historical postcards - Czechia
Subject: historical postcards - Germany
Geographical theme: Krušné hory Mountains (Czechia and Germany) - vlastivěda
Geographical theme: Krušné hory Mountains Region (Czechia and Germany) - vlastivěda
Geographical theme: Krušné hory (Czechia and Germany) - history and geography
Geographical theme: Krušné hory Region (Czechia and Germany) - history and geography
Theme/Genre: photographical works
Theme/Genre: photographical works
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Presence only

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Total Unavailable Absence Presence
ÚOP v Ústí nad Labem 1 0 0 1
Location Location mark Store mark Borrow category Inc. number
Sklad D3130 Prezenčně 14634
Location Total Unavailable Absence Presence
Sklad 1 0 0 1
Uncategorized 1 0 0 1
Location Location mark Store mark Borrow category Inc. number
Knihovna KB Ko KB Ko Prezenčně 1863
Location Total Unavailable Absence Presence
Knihovna 1 0 0 1


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