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Einige Skizzen, Projekte und ausgeführte Bauwerke. Band III., Heft 1-10 / von Otto Wagner
Wagner, Otto, 1841-1918
range: nestr. čb. il.

Words_person: Wagner, Otto, 1841-1918
Subject: architecture - 19.-20. stol. - Rakousko
Subject: architectural projects - 19.-20. stol. - Rakousko
Subject: modern architecture - Rakousko
Subject: architectural drawing - 19.-20. stol. - Rakousko
Theme/Genre: pictorial works
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Total Unavailable Absence Presence
ÚOP v Brně 1 0 1 0
Location Location mark Store mark [Borrow_category] Inc. number
Knihovna 44-H-20 Absenčně 2323a
Location Total Unavailable Absence Presence
Knihovna 1 0 1 0


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