Dokument Detail
Leader : -----nam a22------a 4500 020q: brož. Original cataloguing agency: 9001 Language of cataloging: cze Transcribing agency: DE-101 Modifying agency: ABE320 Language code of text/sound track or separate titl: Russian Language code of summary or abstract: French Name: Zbornik zaštite spomenika kulture Other Title Information: = Recueil des travaux sur la protection des monuments historiques. Number of part/section of a work: XVI / Statement of responsibility: Vlado Madarić, Naděžda Katarić, 246_1_2: Recueil des travaux sur la protection des monuments historiques Place of publication: Beograd : Name of publisher: Inst, Date of publication: 1960 Extent: 424 s. : Other physical details: il ; Dimensions: 28 cm Internal bibliographies note etc.: Obsahuje bibliografii a rejstřík. Topical term (heading): památky ; kamenné stavby ; památková péče ; římská architektura ; amfiteátry Geographic name (heading): Srbsko Location symbol: ABE320 Call number X Book number PPP: C1322 |
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