Dokument Detail
Leader : -----nam a22------a 4500 Original cataloguing agency: PNE305 Language of cataloging: cze Language code of text/sound track or separate titl: Dutch Subject Category Code (heading): Grafické umění. Grafika 76 Authority heading: E. van Houten Relator code: Author Uniform title: Verzameling van alle de huizen en gebouwen langs de Keizers en Heeren-Grachten der Stad Amsterdam Name: Grachtenboek : Other Title Information: naar de oorspronkelijke tekeningen van Caspar Philips Jacobszoon te Amsterdam gest. 1767 / Statement of responsibility: geschied-bouwkundige beschrijvingen door E. van Houten 246_5_2: Verzaameling van alle de Huizen en prachtige Gebouwen langs Keizers en Heere-grachten der Stadt Amsteldam Place of publication: Amsterdam Name of publisher: Stadsduukkerij, Date of publication: 1962 Extent: 111 s., 25 l. příloh : Other physical details: čb. il. With note:: Die Vorlage enth. insgesamt 2 Werke Personal name (heading): Jacobszoon, Caspar Philips Chronol. term (heading): 18. stol. Topical term (heading): městské obytné domy Chronological subdivision: 18. stol. Geographic subdivision: Nizozemsko Topical term (heading): architektura Chronological subdivision: 18. stol. Geographic subdivision: Nizozemsko Topical term (heading): plavební kanály ; grafika Chronological subdivision: 18. stol. Geographic subdivision: Nizozemsko Geographic name (heading): Nizozemsko ; Amsterdam (Nizozemsko) Personal name (heading): Jacobszoon, Caspar Philips Relator code: Author Location symbol: PNE305 Call number X Book number PPP: 2741 - 122 Dd84 |
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