Work detail
Památková ochrana historických vesnic v České republice / Pavel Bureš, Jiří Škabrada, Hana Šnajdrová ; [vyd. Ministerstvo kultury ČR] |
Bureš, Pavel, 1953- |
Originator: Šnajdrová, Hana, 1952- Originator: Škabrada, Jiří, 1946- |
Originator: Česko. Ministerstvo kultury |
range: 122 s., [11] s. obr. příloh. : il., mapy ; 21 cm |
ISBN: 80-902096-2-9 |
Subject: historic preservation Subject: legal regulations Subject: village monument zones Subject: vernacular architecture Subject: antiquities Subject: protection of monuments |
Theme/Genre: handbooks, manuals, etc. |
Annotation: Annotation source: |
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