Work detail
Leader : -----nab a22------a 4500 Physical description: ta Original cataloguing agency: ABE320 Language of cataloging: cze Modifying agency: ABE320 Geographic classification area code: e-xr--- Local GAC code: e-xr-zl ; e-xr-vy Source of local code: czenas Subject Category Code (heading): Územní plánování. Urbanismus. Památková péče 71 Authority heading: Matěj, Miloš, 1960- Relator code: Author Name: Odešel Ing. arch. Jiří Gwuzd, CSc. (1941–2012) / Statement of responsibility: Miloš Matěj Other physical details: 1 portrét General note: Rubrika: Různé Personal name (heading): Gwuzd, Jiří, 1941- Topical term (heading): památková péče ; osobnosti Genre/Form Heading: nekrology 773_ _2: Roč. 72, č. 5 (2012), s. 398 773_ _2: 72:5 773_ _2: 2012 Location symbol: ABE320 Call number X Book number PPP: H221/2012 Type of document: rs Location symbol: BOE016 Call number X Book number PPP: 79-H-27 BI1a - Bibliography - classification: Teorie a dějiny památkové péče. Osobnosti BI1b - Bibliography - code: 1c |
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