Výsledky vyhledávání | TEST Národní památkový ústav http://iispp.npu.cz/carmentest/search/by-authority/106058/rss?page=1&ticketId=-8 Vyhledávání podle autority: Osobní jména = Schut, Peter A. C. Listing archaeological sites, protecting the historical landscape Listing archaeological sites, protecting the historical landscape (2008: Târgovişte, Rumunsko) The Valletta convention: twenty years after benefits, problems, challenges Haas, Victoria M. van der Setting the agenda: giving new meaning to the European archaeological heritage: proceedings of the International conference, Amersfoort, the Netherlands, 20-22 March 2014 Schut, Peter A. C. Listing Archeological Sites, Protecting the Historical Landscape. Edit by .. Schut, Peter A. C.