Work detail
Zánik pohraničních sídel v letech 1945-1960 / David Kovařík |
Kovařík, David, 1972- |
range: 9 stran : ilustrace |
773_ _2: Proměny montánní krajiny : historické sídelní a montánní struktury Krušnohoří / 2013, s. 54-63 |
Subject: border region - 1945-1960 Subject: displacement of Germans Subject: building demolition Subject: municipalities Subject: cultural landscape |
Geographical theme: Krušné hory Mountains Region (Czechia and Germany) Geographical theme: Hraničná (Česko : zaniklá obec) Geographical theme: Kadaň Region (Czechia) Geographical theme: Prunéřov (Kadaň, Czechia) Geographical theme: Doupovské hory (Česko : oblast) Geographical theme: Jáchymov Region (Karlovy Vary, Czechia) Geographical theme: Kraslice Region (Czechia) |
Chronological theme: 1945-1968 |
Theme/Genre: studies |
Annotation: Annotation source: |
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