Work detail
Za horou najdeš údolí : studie o ikonografii Útěku do Egypta v umění pozdního středověku a renesence / Lubomír Konečný |
Konečný, Lubomír, 1946- |
Originator: Institute of Art History, ASCR |
range: 110 s. : il., portréty, faksim. ; 21 cm |
Series: Opera minora historiae artium 1 |
ISBN: 80-86890-01-5 (brož.) |
Organization: Šternberk (hrad) |
Subject: Útěk do Egypta (obraz) Subject: Dutch painting Subject: renaissance painting Subject: art interpretation Subject: Bible stories Subject: iconography Subject: art collections |
Geographical theme: Šternberk (Czechia) |
Chronological theme: 16. století |
Theme/Genre: studies |
Annotation: Annotation source: |
Items overview
Total | Unavailable | Absence | Presence | ||
ÚOP v Liberci | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
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