Work detail
Nová šlechta rakouského císařství / Jan Županič ; kresby erbů Michal Fiala |
Županič, Jan, 1972- |
Originator: Fiala, Michal, 1966- |
range: 452 s. : il. |
ISBN: 80-86781-08-9 |
Subject: genealogy Subject: rakouská šlechta Subject: royal houses Subject: house of nobility Subject: history Subject: kings and rulers Subject: noblemen Subject: mezinárodní politika Subject: marriages of royalty Subject: culture Subject: educational attainment Subject: life style Subject: family coats of arms Subject: titles of nobility Subject: heraldry |
Geographical theme: Austria Geographical theme: Austro-Hungarian Monarchy |
Chronological theme: 18.-20. stol. |
Theme/Genre: biography Theme/Genre: studies |
Annotation: Annotation source: |
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