Work detail
Mistři uměleckých řemesel / Karel Pokorný, Jiří Matoušek |
Pokorný, Karel, 1938- |
Originator: Matoušek, Jiří, 1936- |
range: 219 s. : il. (převážně barev.) ; 25 cm |
ISBN: 978-80-7461-457-6 |
Subject: history of handicrafts Subject: metal processing Subject: handicrafts - 13.-18. stol. Subject: arts and crafts - 13.-18. stol. Subject: gunsmithery - 16.-19. stol. Subject: historic weapons Subject: maintenance and repair |
Chronological theme: 13.-18. století Chronological theme: 16.-19. stol. |
Theme/Genre: popular works |
Annotation: Annotation source: |
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