Gutkind, Erwin Anton: Urban Development in East-Central Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary: with contributions by Dr. Wojciech Kalinowski, on Poland, Members of the Union of Architects of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Prof. Imre Perényi, on Hungary
Urban Development in East-Central Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary: with contributions by Dr. Wojciech Kalinowski, on Poland, Members of the Union of Architects of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Prof. Imre Perényi, on Hungary Gutkind, Erwin Anton
Urban Development in East-Central Europe: Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary: with contributions by Dr. Wojciech Kalinowski, on Poland, Members of the Union of Architects of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, Prof. Imre Perényi, on Hungary Gutkind, Erwin Anton