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Der malerische Landschaftspark in Laxenburg bei Wien / Géza Hajós (Hg.) ; mit Beitr. von Edit Bódi ... [et al.]
Originator: Hajós, Géza, 1942-
Originator: Bódi, Edit
range: 365 s. : il ; 29 cm
Series: Forschungen zu Laxenburg (Park und Franzensburg) ; Bd. 1
Series: Publikationsreihe der Museen des Mobiliendepots ; 21
ISBN: 3-205-77444-2 (váz.)

Subject: historic parks - Rakousko
Subject: chateau parks - Rakousko
Subject: garden architecture - Rakousko
Subject: kings and rulers - Rakousko
Subject: iconography - zahrady
Subject: paintings - zahrady
Geographical theme: Laxenburg (zámky). Zámecký park
Geographical theme: Laxenburg (Rakousko)
Theme/Genre: monographs
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