Work detail
European Research on Cultural Heritage : State-of-the-Art Studies : Proceedings of the ARCCHP Workshops supported from the EC 5th FP Project No. ICA1-CT-2000-70013. Volume 2 / Edited by Miloš Drdácký |
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ITAM) |
Originator: Drdácký, Miloš, 1945- |
range: 539 s. : čb. obr., plány, mapy, tabulky, grafy, schémata |
ISBN: 80-86246-21-3 (soubor) ISBN: 80-86246-23-X |
Organization: Organization: European Union Organization: European Union |
Subject: Subject: documentation Subject: cultural heritage Subject: protection of monuments Subject: prezentace památek Subject: programs and projects Subject: environment Subject: historic preservation Subject: seminars Subject: Výzkumy |
Geographical theme: Europe Geographical theme: Europe |
Theme/Genre: studies |
Annotation: Annotation source: |
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