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Civilizace starověkého Středomoří / Jan Burian / Pavel Oliva
Burian, Jan
Originator: Oliva, Pavel, 1923-
range: 549 s.

Words_person: Alexandr Veliký
Subject: civilization
Subject: antiquity
Subject: ancient civilization
Subject: artistic monuments
Subject: architectural monuments
Subject: Urartu
Geographical theme: Mediterranean area
Geographical theme: ancient Greece
Geographical theme: Mezopotámie
Geographical theme: Egypt
Geographical theme: Babylón (zaniklé město)
Geographical theme: Sýrie
Geographical theme: Foiníkie
Geographical theme: Palestine
Geographical theme: Assyria
Geographical theme: Frygie
Geographical theme: Lýdie
Geographical theme: Médie
Geographical theme: Římské císařství
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