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Krkonoše / Marcel Ludvík ... [et al.] ; [kres. Michal Houba, Stanislav Vorel ; mapy Bohumil Stehlík]
Ludvík, Marcel
Originator: Stehlík, Bohumil
Originator: Vorel, Stanislav, 1915-
Originator: Houba, Michal
range: 391 s., vol. příl. : il.
Series: Turistický průvodce ČSSR Sv. 4

Subject: mountain range
Subject: geography
Subject: history
Subject: antiquities
Subject: vlastivěda
Subject: tourist guides
Geographical theme: Krkonoše Mountains Region (Czechia and Poland)
Geographical theme: Bohemia, Northeastern (Czechia)
Theme/Genre: guidebooks
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