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Vazby: Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army
Vazby: Alexandrov Soviet Army Song and Dance Ensemble
Vazby: Alexandrovci (umělecká skupina)
Vazby: Ansambl' pesni i pljaski Sovetskoj Armii im. A.V. Aleksandrova
Vazby: Choir and Orchestra of the Red Army
Vazby: Ensemble A. Alexandrov de chants et danses de l'Armée soviétique
Vazby: Red Army Choir of the U.S.S.R.
Vazby: Red Army Ensemble
Vazby: Red Army Song and Dance Ensemble
Vazby: Rotbannerensemble für Lied und Tanz der Sowjetarmee "Alexander Alexandrow"
Vazby: Soviet Army Chorus
Vazby: Soviet Army Song and Dance Ensemble
Citace: Alexandrovci
Citace: LC (Names)